Small Bikes are our passion, but what exactly is a Small Bike? Is it based on physical size? Engine Capacity? Well, for us it’s based on a feeling. ‘Small’ in this case can be a reference to the knowledge of a particular bike around the world, it can mean size, it can mean engine capacity, it can mean anything you like.

While we generally focus on smaller capacity bikes with large enthusiast communities; we truly appreciate all things on 2 wheels. We aim to produce as much content as we can about the machines we love. Whether that be through written or visual media. Whenever we’re lucky enough to travel we always dedicate some time in each location to the local scene and what matters to them. Maybe one day we’ll be in your neighbourhood!

We only ask that if you like our content then do your best to share it around among like minded people! You can reach us via Facebook or Instagram.

If you haven’t yet, check out our YouTube channel with over 100 Small Bike videos and counting!


I can recall being obsessed with oddities of the transport world since my memory bank began. But it’s only been since I started filming and sharing content with a YouTube channel (Small Bike Stuff) that my desire to showcase exactly how our world moves has grown.

When people think of transport, the obvious modes come to mind: Cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, planes. Yet, our world has endless ways that move it. It was during a small stint in South East Asia that I became obsessed with the insane differences many areas of the world had towards getting themselves around. Small motorcycles dominated the nations I frequented throughout this period. With small bikes being used as taxis, delivery vehicles or family vehicles, racing machines or even being modified to suit people with disabilities and keep them mobile.

Upon returning to my home country, New Zealand; I noticed things from a different perspective and started to realise just how unique the way our country moves can be. NZ is a hot bed of JDM vehicles - a scene adored globally that many have limited access to; was right in front of my nose the whole time and begging to be shared. At the same time as this epiphany, I figured that it would be rude to not share literally anything and everything that moves our world - so here we are!

We aim to produce as much content as we can about the machines we love. Whether that be through written or visual media. Whenever we’re lucky enough to travel we always dedicate some time in each location to the things that move their world, what matters to them and why. Maybe one day we’ll be in your neighborhood!

We do this all on our own dime, no sponsors or donations. We only ask that if you like our content then do your best to share it around among like minded people! Got requests for new content? Awesome! Let us know. You can reach us via Facebook or Instagram. Get in touch! Alternatively; subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch our videos.